Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Meet Real Renter Janelle Longwell!

Profiles of Real People Who Would be Affected By Prop. 98 - Meet Janelle Longwell!

Janelle Longwell has struggled with epilepsy most of her life. Janelle lives in a small Los Angeles area apartment protected by rent control – the only way she can afford a roof over her head. Because of her disability, Janelle struggles with normal daily living, cannot drive, and has to live close to her daughter and a friend of thirty-seven years in case of emergencies. If Prop. 98 passes, many individuals like Janelle are worried about where she would go if her landlord wanted to force her out. Prop. 98 will make it easier for landlords to evict tenants with no notice and no just cause. She also worries about Prop. 98’s impact on her Section 8 voucher that she waited 10 years to receive. If rent control is phased out, many Section 8 recipients may have to pay more out of their pockets toward their rent, leaving them with less money for basic necessities like food, prescriptions and utilities. Defeating Proposition 98 is paramount to the survival of many renters like Janelle.

“A lot of these landlords are just plain heartless, and they would stop at nothing to evict people like me. Some of us are barely making it financially with rent control, and I have no clue how we would survive without it. It’s shameless that these landlords would try to deceive California voters -- just to put money in their pockets at the expense of renters like me!”
- Janelle Longwell
Los Angeles

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